Kirstie Gossage

By KirstieG

Helena and Ronan came over today. Ronan is now 7 months and thriving. He's such a happy smiley boy and Helena us looking amazing despite saying she was tired (Ronan is sleeping through but she was awake waiting a wake up from him, Sod's law)

The boys were brilliant until MiL popped round with Simon's niece and it stressed Stanley out. He hasn't been fetching us stones from the garden since we had Isla visit but he started to do that which is a sure sign of his anxiety - it's like he is keeping his mind active rather than guarding us. A bit of a stressful half hour but once they had gone he was fine again. It's spooky.

Once Helena left Minnie had a nap and I had a tidy. Post office for eBay shopping and a drop off to Next and then home to feed Minnie

I'm ready for my bed tonight :/

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