My Life With Luna

By chrisA

Happy Birthday Ian

It's Ian's birthday today and as I couldn't afford to buy him the new Leica MP camera I asked the very clever lady I work with if she'd make him a birthday cake with a picture of it on. (She did one for him last year of a Little Grey Fergie on it which I posted on the 2nd September 2013). She came up trumps and actually made the camera (it's a rich chocolate cake) and iced it, I don't know how she does it, but birthday boy was over the moon with it and said it was too good to eat he wanted to keep it!. But it is going to Ireland with us tomorrow and it will be eaten over the course of the week, I'm so cruel aren't I.
We are travelling to Ireland for a week so I don't expect I'll be able to post my journals during that time, but I'll be taking lots of photographs and will back blip when I get back. We are having a blipmeet with springlilly on Sunday which I'm so looking forward to.
I think the squirrel is getting his revenge for my making the peanuts more difficult to get at. I came home this afternoon, made a nice cup of Earl Grey and was walking down to the river to enjoy it. As I walked under the walnut tree said squirrel dropped a walnut which landed on my jumper and if you've ever picked up walnuts you know how badly they stain, you've got it my favourite top spoilt by a walnut stain on the right shoulder.

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