Words of wisdom

One of the main things I miss (and there aren't many, if I'm honest) about working in the city centre is seeing the ever-changing words of wisdom or grafitti artworks which crop here and there.

I have a day off today and spotted this as I was on my way to buy a cycle helmet, as the conkers will be falling soon and they can do real damage. I've bought one of those bullet style helmets favoured by mountain bikers and I think I look really cool in it. I've customised it a little and you can see the result here.

Tomorrow I'm off to London to be at the end of the 999March for the NHS - 3pm Rally in Parliament Square. Marchers have done the same route as the Jarrow March for Jobs.

Check out this link for full info.

Just seen this update (Sat morning) which confirms that the rally will be in Trafalgar Square, not Parliament Square:

1.30pm Red Lion Sq to march to Trafalgar Sq for final rally & entertainment with Billy Bragg and much more. The final leg of 999 Call for the NHS is now here, what an amazing feat, just hope their feet hold up. Please share to let everyone know the change of details. See you tmrw. #March4Nhs

I'm really surprised at the lack of mainstream media coverage.

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