On the Hunt!

I heard this Police helicopter circling round overhead ....... so I crept out very carefully ........ sneaked a peek ....... grabbed a quick shot ....... then hid ...... just in case it was me they were hunting for!!!

As you can probably guess ....... they didn't catch me ...... though as I was at home I think that sending up the chopper was a bit unnecessary!!! Maybe it wasn't looking for me after all :-)

If you have seen yesterday's Should have stayed in bed! (backblip) ....... & read my rant ........ you will know that the final straw ...... was my camera not working properly last night. Well ..... as you can see ...... after a night's rest & a bit of twiddling this morning ..... I got it working again!!!! Hooray!!!! I think the problem is with the lens ...... the Auto/Manual focus switch sticks ...... so I have just sent for a new one. The one I have at the moment was bought second-hand & has worked well for the last few years ..... so I can't really complain.

Well it is Friday again ....... do hope you all have a Tigger-tastic weekend :-)

Thanks so much for dropping by :-)

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