
By EwanJFleck

A Fine Canine

This little guy was bursting with happiness with just paying a little attention to it. (did not ask its name so who knows what gender it is???) Though when taking the picture you can clearly see how camera shy he/she is. I used to hate such small dogs but found that's changed from seeing how much character they have.
Experimenting more with shallow depth of field and it's obvious here it's way too shallow. Its ears are blurry! But this is fun finding these little nuances. It's knowing how to deal with them quickly and effectively that will be the challenging part.
I think I'm too much of a perfectionist to be uploading a photo every day. Whilst I like this idea of keeping active creatively I can't really fit this with college on. I don't know. I'LL JUST UPLOAD WHATEVER WHENEVER.

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