
By PeckhamBelle

Tunnel vision

So off we go. It's a six week journey through the tunnel, where the light at the end is shiny and bright (Half Term).

Today we went to Westfield to do some birthday shopping for Sal (10 next week!), then to Bermondsey to get gorgeous hams, salami, cheese, salad and bread for lunch. Then we tackled homework:

Grace: Chemistry, French and Spanish
Tom: Art, Latin and Geog
Sally: Humanities and Maths

No point saying leave them to it, because at some point or another you are required, if only to reload the printer ink, locate scissors, test vocab, locate gluestick, sympathise about stupid protons, cover text books, and generally be helpful but not interfering, intelligent but not know-it-all, sympathetic but not patronising ..... Homework sucks, as any fule kno.

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