Lord of Penguin

By JPenguin

One Whole Year

That's it then. 365 days, one photo a day. and thankfully no gaps. Thanks to my wife for agreeing to spend her morning lying on a big red rug when she had lots of work to do.

Just before we took the shots, we had spent two hours looking for my phone. I knew it was in the living room as when I rang it I could hear the buzzing (on silent).

Turned the room upside down, it had to be in the living room as couldn't hear it in the kitchen or hall, so sofas were removed, cupboards emptied . .. until I had a thought.

Turned out I had left it on the floor of the bedroom upstairs directly above the living room. goddammit.

Anyway - 365 done - have uploaded a load of rubbish, but here are some of my favourites:

No Snow (14 February)
Spring (18th March)
J is For Joker (8th April)
19th April
They like Driving in my Car (23rd April)
Biped Pig (2nd June)
Cloud Making Factory III (3rd June)
Wire (15th June)
Time (14th August)
Seattle (18th August)
Lake Joffre (23rd August)
Snow is lying on the ground (17th December)
Gecko (31st January)
Snow and Horses II (10th February)

and you know what I'm not going to do tomorrow? Blip. Unless I have something worthwhile to share. It's been a slog, at times easy and fun, at others painful and desperate trying to find something vaguely interesting to photograph, and failing. Since I'd vowed to do one a day for the full year, I gritted my teeth and continued, but six months in the inspiration was lacking - and it would kill me to attempt another full year!

I'll be back on here regularly - but when it's fun and easy!

Thanks to all who have commented (and some who have rated! can you turn that option off?!) and to the Toad who introduced me to the site in the first place.


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