
By foxfollower

Woodbrooke Quaker Study Centre

Another panel from the Quaker Tapestry seems particularly appropriate for today's entry, as I'm busy getting ready to go to Woodbrooke tomorrow. After that, I'll be going on to Derby to see Mum for the weekend, so need to pack for a week away from home. Washing needs ironing, garden and plants need some attention and it would also be good to find time for a bit of housework. Bread dough is proving, to be baked later on - now what else do I need to do?

Going to Woodbrooke is always an exciting prospect and I'm particularly looking forward to the course I'm booked on. One of my fellow Equipping for Ministry (EfM) course members will be on it, and also someone from Cardiff Meeting with whom I've been in contact by email about a workshop I'm co-facilitating for them in September. I have a meeting booked with my EfM tutor, and Stephanie will also be around on Tuesday, so we can discuss plans for the next cycle of Becoming Friends. So I have a real buzz of energy - easily enough to get through all the stuff that needs to be done before I go.

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