
By laurelpike1234

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Why no! 'Tis a blip!

Well what do you know?

So first day back at school and I had photography! Yay! It was great since we just went straight into taking the photos, not wasting any time.
So I was asked by one of my classmates to help set up their idea for a fast shutter speed picture. They wanted to use paint and capture it as it landed on a surface. Naturally, like any shoot, it didn't go completely to plan and we ended up using paint, stones and water! But the sun was shining bright so we had no issues with the photos being under/over exposed
In the end I took exactly 60 photos with maybe 10 or so actually working. Most of the time I took the picture too early and so just missed the paint drop or the water splash (grrr!) or the image was just out of focus. However, I think this picture turned out the best and also looked quite cool!


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