Gavlars Journal

By Gavlar

Being a better dad

Today I went to visit the old man.

Having been brought up by an army Sgt Major my father wasn't the greatest dad due to a short temper and a liking for the bottle, in particular rum.

When I stuffed up as a young man he would let rip with an ugly tongue then refuse to speak for days on end. I believe he loved us kids but never knew how to show it. He eventually told me he loved me 2 weeks before he passed away but by then it was too late.

I learnt a lot from my dad, in particular how not to be like him - for that reason I tell my kids often how much they mean to me.

Today Ive thought a lot about being a good dad and will remind my kids again that when they stuff up or are affected by bad decisions to pick themselves up, dust off the dirt and together we will make a plan to move forward.
Learn from the mistakes as the future is forward and we can't change the past.

I love you son xx

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