Big Day

A big day for Miss E today. She rode her bike by herself for the first time!!
In the very same place I learnt to ride my bike over thirty years ago!
We had a morning pottering around - well I say morning, I actually didn't get up until noon!! - and then headed off out on the bikes.
Miss L has a balance bike which was given to her to practice on by the lovely Mrs W. She was off like a rocket shouting "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" as loudly as she could and sticking her legs straight out and giggling. Hilarious!
Miss E took it a bit more sedately and let Mr K hold the bike on the way to the green.
Then there was lots of running behind by Mr K as she got the hang of it and then a few seconds of wobbles as he let go.
She found it tough going on the grass so took to the road. I was so worried she was going to fall off and hurt herself. She has a ridiculously low pain threshold and a ridiculously high love of melodrama!
But she managed to stay upright and managed to ride in more or less straight lines.
The problems started when she struggled to actually push off to get going. She got crosser and crosser and more and more frustrated and ended up in tears, refusing help and throwing her bike on the floor.
She is so hard on herself and hates, hates, hates not being able to do something perfectly.
I wish I could make it easier.
But she did it!!! She rode a bike by herself, woohoo!!
And she'll practice and get better!
I wonder if one day she'll stand on this green teaching my granddaughter to ride a bike.

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