The Long Room

Out early this morning to try and beat the queue at Trinity College library (the Long Room). We failed of course, but joined up anyway and it actually didn't take too long to get in to see the Book of Kells and the old library. The library is great, well worth the visit. Not so sure about the Book, although the exhibition about it is really interesting.

From there it was on to more culture with the Guinness tour. Very slick, great exhibits - but all a bit sterile; maybe because there's no brewery smell so really you could be anywhere. However, the top-floor glass bar where you get your 'free' pint is pretty impressive.

After that it's was lunch in a great old pub Nancy Hands, coffee and cake by the side if the Liffey, a few hours researching Dublin pubs for somewhere to spend the evening and a final few hours in a couple of them that made the short-list. Not a bad way to spend my birthday. A great birthday spent with a great bunch of friends!

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