Nut Press

By katheastman

Yarning for home?

This bronze sculpture of 'The Immigrants' on Mermaid Quay in Cardiff Bay is a favourite of mine. I'm always drawn to it when I'm in the area. And this summer, thanks to some yarn bombing, the Immigrants have been decked out in some colourful new clothes. (Although, I'm not entirely sure how happy they are about this, given how hot it's been this year!)

I like everything about this sculpture: how the light works on it and how different it can look, as a result; how they seem to form a self-contained group, without the need for anyone else; how the woman is perched up on the railing, pointing out over the water - to home? or is there a boat coming in? - while the man has his back to the sea (facing towards his new home and away from his old?) and leans casually against the railing, clutching his newspaper and the couple's dog sits alert, stopping anyone else getting too close, whilst waiting patiently for them.

I think it perfectly captures the conflicting feelings you can have as an immigrant: that while you can feel settled and comfortable in your new home (like the man's pose suggests) you can also have a yearning (or maybe here, a yarning?) for home (as the woman does).

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