Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Too Good to Eat

C bought me a box of chocolate truffles for Valentine's Day. Of course, it's understood that I'll share them with her. They were handmade by Jess at Ciao Thyme, and are almost too beautiful to eat.

I'd just received my new (used) macro lens in yesterday's mail, so this was a good excuse to try it out.

There were four chocolate colors to choose from -- red, gold, purple, and blue. C suggested the red, placed on a gold dish. I know, it doesn't quite look red -- C says it's more like fuschia.

You're probably wondering what the flavors are. In the same sequence as the colors, they are caramel, chocolate, coconut, and Camembert. Yes, Camembert. Well, I've always said I'll try anything once.

Edited on February 15th: We shared some with friends yesterday, and ate the rest ourselves today. They were wonderful.

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