
By Rab

Home, Sweet Home Pt1-Snake Eyes!!!

Well this weeks assignment gave me a few ideas, considering I'm not at home and spend around 10 months of the year traveling. My first inclusion is from work. I've worked in casinos for more than 10 years, and its difficult to compare it to anything. I no longer have to deal the games anymore, but I do occasionally when needs must, and I guess I feel most at home at the craps table.
It is without doubt an extremely difficult game to master, but when you do, it does give you a feeling of accomplishment. It is a great game to deal, and the power of control, with a little help of showmanship and manipulation, can be satisfying.
Don't take this to mean Casinos are in anyway corrupt, because quite simply, they don't have to be. People are more than happy to throw there money at you, complain that they know the house always win, then throw you some more. Oh, and give you a mouthful of abuse while doing it. Just remember, nobody forces you in there!!!!

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