Ode to the camera

And just like us.. there they were. United by one thing. The camera.

The tall, the short, the fat the thin. The old and young, the experienced and the novices. Grandmas, grandpas, moms, dads and kids. Pets and pests. Suited up or in rags. Happy ones, sad ones, angry ones, sappy ones. Lovers, families, friends, loners and strangers. Big groups. smalls groups, couples and singles. Big cameras, small cameras, Large lenses, small lenses. Expensive cameras, cheap cameras. SLRs, compacts, point and shoot, film, and phones.

They took them for themselves and of themselves. The shot upwards, downwards and arroundwards. They used forward shooting, backward shooting, remote shooting, timer shooting and I even saw one guy with a compact on the end of a contraption so he could be in the shot with his family.

They were all there...

Collecting memories, taking pictures simply to share or ones to sell. Loving it or tolerating it. Smiling for the camera or shying away. Pictures of people, flowers, trees, rocks, boats, water, birds, food, buildings, trash, dogs, cats, skies, seas....

Look over at your camera now... and say THANK YOU.

And to you here in Blipland.. I also say thank you.

Gotta run. Apparently we are off to steal strawberries with the people from the hostel from a farm 20 minutes away. I will accidentally drop some money but want to be in on the fun.

This is prolly best viewed in BIG.

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