Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

Mr Martello

Mr Martello is a friendly little owl made from everyday items you might find around the house. He is handmade, a robust quirky clock made using tin cans, has a spoon for a beak and forks for claws and is robustly made from components new and old, sourced in the UK.

He is a reminder that life remains far too busy to think about, take and post a picture everyday. One day ...

The ever popular annual sunflower competition was held today at the school. In spite of its popularity, help to set up and run the show remains short at hand. Beloved responded to a last-minute plea for help and left the house early. The PTA events co-ordinator will soon depart for reasons unknown which is always intriguing. so far no clues have been forthcoming.

Having left the smallest of our small people replete with porridge, I suggested to the girls that washing, teeth cleaning and dressing early would be much better than leaving everything to the last minute and risking a late arrival at the school. Sense was clearly and readily seen in this suggestion, which received immediate approval and agreement from both of them. The first and younger of the two proceeded with ablutions and dressing, whilst the second wiled away the time lying on her bed reading, claiming 'there's loads of time left' at every attempt I made to instil some sense of urgency. The outcome was predictable enough I think.

I was not to join the girls at the school. Instead I had parts to buy for the car and the young man was to accompany me. Having despatched both girls to the care of their Auntie, I discovered that the one and only key to Beloved's car was with her at the school. The one and only car seat suitable for the young man was in the car with the keys at the school. I was not annoyed. Really. Well, perhaps a little, but it was short-lived. I was about to see a miracle, never before witnessed. Beloved actually answered her mobile phone!! Twenty minutes later, we were back at home with the key and on our way to Copford (well Harry was on his way to sleep).

The rest of the day was given over to gardening of sorts at Nan's, bandsaw repairing, wood cutting, cooking, X-Factor avoiding and Dr Who watching.

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