Northern Star

By Lifferz

Say no to carnival glass

Today was one of those days. It's a shame when you have a naff day on the weekend but hey ho. The day was scattered with little things going wrong starting with feeling a bit unwell after eating something a bit dodgy yesterday, annoyingly I am not sure which food item it was that isn't quite good and there is a fridge full of bits left from yesterday so it is like food roulette! Town was busy and full of people arguing, jostling and getting annoyed- I am sure there must be something in the water or it's related to moon phases. When I tried to make things better things seemed to backfire. When I got home I suddenly wasn't well and had to go to bed- what's that all about! 3 hours later I am up and ready to start some final bits of editing so I can print my work out and send it to an ex-colleague for comments. This sight made me smile today. I mannequin in a charity shop, hands aloft as though saying no to the carnival glass in front of her :-)

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