A Pushmi-Pullyu with hair extensions

The rare Pushmi-pullyu was first recorded by Dr Dolittle when in Africa and was said to be a cross between an Antelope and a unicorn.
When the film of Dr Dolittle was made in 1967 an even more rare breed of Llama from South America was used.

I was fascinated to find this Llama Pushmi-pullyu close to the Amaravati Monastery this evening, which links me perfectly into the second part of my crazy day yesterday.

On my return from watching the Tour of Britain - see yesterday's blip - I was surprised to find my driveway blocked by several cars, but there was nobody around, and then I remembered that there was a film crew visiting the estate looking for locations.

I was in a hurry to go out, so seeing a lone man standing in the lane outside my cottage, I called out to him:
"Are you with the film crew?"
"No" came the reply, and then "Can you help me please?"
I walked towards him, to save us shouting to each other.
"Can you tell me the way to Amaravati Monastery?"
"Oh, you're a long way off course, it's about an hour's walk from here."
"I went to watch the cycle race in Hemel Hempstead and I am lost, a man sent me in this way." He said in faltering English.
" I'll show you the best way to go across the fields" I said, walking him up the farm track.
"I have been walked since early in morning, I am very tired."
"OK, I'll take you back in my car, once I can get these other cars off my drive"

At that moment a group of people appeared out of the woods behind my cottage, with the estate manager.

I was introduced to the film crew and the director asked if I would be happy for my cottage to be used in a forthcoming TV production.
Then they asked if they could go inside.

I am not a tidy person, but rather than turn them away, I let them in, wondering exactly how many socks and undies were still on my bedroom floor!!

To cut a long story short, they want to use the cottage, including my sitting room and bedroom for part of a series staring Martin Clunes. I cannot say more at this point, but it would entail me moving out for a few days and all my furniture being removed and replaced with their set.

When at last they left, I realised that the Buddhist was still waiting patiently for his lift back to his retreat.

On the drive to the Monastery I learnt he was from Belgium and came to the Monastery every year for a week to further his learning on Buddhism.

Giving this stranger, called Danny, a lift, didn't fill me with fear, after all, I knew he wouldn't even hurt a fly. As I dropped him off we shook hands and he said he would come and visit me next year - Unless I've become a film star by then.

The day was completed with a hasty change of clothes, and a squirt of perfume replacing the relaxing bath I had planned, (and huge relief that there were only sock and shoes strewn across my bedroom floor) before going out for dinner with a friend and her parents.

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