
By JariTimonen


My first initial thought was to get photo of hospital with square frame. I was trying to get feeling of death present in the hospital. My mind processed the idea for couple of hours. I remembered that there was some kind of statue on the yard of the hospital. In my mind I was thinking of a photo with statue on corner and the hospital in the far corner. I arrived to the spot and realized that my angle was impossible - the hospital was not tall enough.

I took lot's of pictures of the statue, hospital and people. Just as I was leaving I saw beaks of Herons on the statue - they were almost perfect for my shot. Now there was decision to make how align the flag poles. I took several photos aligning poles with beaks, but in most of them hospital looked a bit out of place.

I made decision that I would not bring up the context of the statue in after process. I wanted It to be almost black as a silhouette.

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