With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


Poor Scooby has gone a bit loopy. I think it's his canines.

I had to escape a little to the beach and am delighted that I am feeling a whole lot better. It was great to get out on the water. Especially after being kept awake a lot of the night by a local drama. The fiesta down the road seems to get later and later every year and although the heat is avoided for leaping youths and I found myself half dreaming to some pretty funky djing, the inevitable out pourings of emotion seemed to be happening. In front of my house. Scooby looked at me at 5am and did a big Humph sort of face. Two cars with flashing lights, but the cops did really well, calmed everything down and I hope no arrests, just some tears. I stress this doesn't normally happen here very often. And I am wondering how good that music was.... I was smiling in my half sleep....!!!!

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