My Life in A&E

By gilvratina

For the first time since I was a little girl, and my mum cut my hair, i got a haircut at home. So, a very nice lady came round and cut my hair in my kitchen. To be honest, it was probably more expensive than going to the hairdresser's, but quite nice to (potentially) have continuity. I remember the girl in Edinburgh who cut my hair over a period of.....probably 6 or 7 years (including when I got married). I liked that and she was very nice.
This is the downside of going to the take-a-number-and-wait-for-two-hours-and-it-only-costs-13-euros place, is that you have no control at all over who actually cuts your hair.

Ho hum. Anyway, happy with the hair and that it's the weekend. Must be getting old.....or not - as Biggs just pointed out, both the old and the young look forward to weekends, but for different reasons!

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