Molly meets Alice

This afternoon we went for a walk with 'CurlyCarrie & Alice'.

Just what is it about humans that make them go all gooey over babies & puppies? Ann was a bit besotted with Alice. Ann thought Alice was cute and cuddly and like a little teddy, she even threatened to swap me but I couldn’t really see what all the fuss was about???

Alice was OK, but she was far too little to play with. I would have been quite happy to play racing games or swimming games to see who could get my orange bouncy ball first, but I don’t think Alice has a mouth big enough to carry a bouncy ball. And Alice hasn’t learnt to swim yet.

Also, we didn’t walk as far as we normally would because Alice only has little legs and can’t walk as far as me. I still had a lovely walk though, because I pretty much ignored Alice and played at swimming to retrieve my orange bouncy ball and running to fetch my orange bouncy ball. And do you know what? ……………….One of the times when I dived into the river to retrieve my orange bouncy ball, I found a green bouncy ball. Yay!!!

On the 1st October doggies are allowed back on all the beaches in Cornwall so I am going to meet up with Alice again in a few weeks and teach her how to swim.

Watch this space Blippers………………. I am Molly the gorgeous, mature, sensible, clever, collie and I have been given the responsibility for teaching 4 month old Alice how to swim. I bet I can also teach her how to wallow in mud. Hee, hee, hee!!!

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