my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie


Quite grateful to the wee man for not going down for a nap this morning as it meant we had to go out with the buggy in a bid to get him to sleep. The weather was much nicer than I was expecting - perfect for a wee stroll. Water of Leith (Gorgie - Slateford) and then canal from Allan park to Harrison Park. Went by the hops again. It seems that, although growing in the allotments, they're not actually part of someone's plot.

Going past the cemetery, I read a few gravestones. It struck me as so sad the amount of women who lost their husbands so early. There were women there who outlived their other halves by 20 or 30 years.

Took another long walk in the afternoon. This time to visit Niamh and Reuben up at Blackford. Bumped into Edda on the way and was rewarded with a massive bag of delicious hot chocolate from her Chocolatiers.

Reuben and Dexter actually seem to be enjoying each other's company. It's lovely to watch.

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