through the eyes of a (nearly) three year old

he stayed at home today as he was ill for about 45 minutes this morning (you know that 30 mins you have to decide whether they are well enough to go or not and then the extra 15 just to ensure you don't change your mind and take them a little bit late).

he told me he wanted to take some photos.

first he took some with his phone - he stands, arm outstretched, phone clasped. then he hits something on the phone with his finger from his other hand and simultaneously says 'ker-chick' quite loudly. then he smiles coyly.

then he progressed to a 'real camera'. for this he holds it up to his face but screws his eyes up, takes the shot (no need for the sound effect as he had managed to turn it on so he got the real beep) and then checks it before fiddling with the dials and screwing up his face for the next shot.

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