Beauly Firth view from the Kessock Bridge, on the cycle home from work.

The forecast sunny day didn't happen. After thick fog this morning on the Black Isle, this was as much as the grey low cloud lifted.

Have been absent from here for ages, but have a load of back-Blips to fill the void... sometime. Too much stuff to deal with other than that and commenting just now. But tomorrow is an important day, as far as I'm concerned. I'm not one for saying a great deal on political issues, but with regard to the Independence Referendum, there is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, that could cause me to vote for anything other than YES tomorrow. But that's just me. Your opinion may differ. I just wanted to say it, or type it, before the event. Heck, I've even taken the day off. That something that doesn't happen often at this time of year.

One thing that is for certain, and I'm not ashamed to say it, there will be tears from me, whatever the outcome. There won't be a Blip of that.

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