Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

Washington chains

Today we steeled ourselves for a visit to Costco, but first stop nearby was Washington Chains, where H looked for and purchased a bit of chain for an island project. I waited in the car, got bored and dug my little camera I always carry in my purse to take pictures of this great industrial neighborhood. I got out of the car to photograph this scene in illustration mode because of all the lines,, including the city to the north. I liked the yellow ramp. sorry I didn't get around to a regular photo.

An older worker watched me and came out of the shop and asked me if I had just taken a picture of this chain, would I like to see some more?
me: sure!
him: well come with me, I’ll show you chains.
me: OK. (grab my purse out of the car..)
him: we had a photographer here about 7 years ago that took a beautiful photo of these chains.
me: that’s cool, I’m sorry I don’t have my bigger camera with me.

We walk around to the back of this huge warehouse and there are indeed very large piles of all sorts of chain.

me: Oh my, this is very impressive!
him; not to me, I’ve been here 35 years.
me: what are they all used for?
him: I have no idea, I don’t work in this part. I work on them up front….

He waited for me to take a few pictures of chains, and then walked me back to the street. H never knew I was gone as it took a long time to buy a piece of chain…

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