
By andrewmowat

A new dawn...

The intention was to blip the sunrise with the Scottish saltire in front, however we have misplaced the flag...

For those of us born in Scotland of Scottish parents, educated in Scotland, and who own a home in Scotland, it is incomprehensible that we are forbidden to vote in today's independence election, but many others feel the decision to exclude expats abroad is fair, and that it sets quite a good precedent for an independent Scotland, in that it involves people who live and work there, rather than trying to make it about ethnicity.

The vote is a vote for Scotland's future not a vote on being Scottish (thanks Jerry). People are being offered a vote to determine their future; if it was in China any talk of separation is regarded as treason and will get you locked up. Everybody has a vote, not everybody is going to vote the same. That's why it's put to the vote. Calm yourselves down and vote for what you believe is right and leave others do do the same. We are either Better Together or Independent.

From a distance it is noticeable that, so far, few on the Better Together campaign have highlighted a truly positive case for unity with the rest of the UK. Instead, they have chosen to scaremonger about the likely outcomes of separation, which may or may not have merit.

On Friday, we are going to start again. We either start from scratch on new foundations or we rebuild what we’ve got. But we have to believe it’s going to be better.

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