Hike of Dreams

Well been in Yosemite for 2 days and despite no wifi (unsurprising in a natural park) I have learnt one thing. This place is huge. Incomprehensibly huge. The 'park' is the size of Western Europe and do anything you have to drive - a lot. We are staying at a beautiful Victorian hotel but to get a shop or the start of our hike to Glacier Point takes over an hour by car along bendy narrow roads. Having said that it's simply stunning. Our 12 mile hike yesterday was tough (very tough for Lady A) but a proper accomplishment. Also... I saw a bear (Lady A didn't). I won the stare out competition as it hurried off into the forests. I did have an ally though - my trusty stick. From the first step till the last over five & a half hours it walked with me. I could easily get into hiking though not much chance around North London.

We've been to see the red woods & Giant Sequoias in Mariposa Grove and tomorrow are playing golf in America's only organic course.

This place is big....

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