
The Foot of the Walk with a mixture of banners happily co-existing with - I think - some members of the fourth estate. It was hard to tell at a distance who they were, and I didn't have time to look more closely as I was flying between a visit to the personal trainer and an appointment at work. You also cannot see the natty adornment given to Queen Vic from this angle. As a postal voter myself, taking this and some photographs of a polling station was the closest I came to touching a ballot paper today. But the 'vibe' was clearly tangible.

I'm posting this knowing by now the very high turnout figures for the whole of Scotland, which represents a huge victory for democracy. It all goes to show that if you give people meaningful things to vote about, then they will turn out.

Funnily enough, I sat next to two members of the press at the dinner last week who are both on the TV/radio this evening. Both thought that turnout figures would be well down in the 70s, and nowhere near the 84% which is now projected. Well there you go. However, I'd also like to point out that the turnout in the 1995 Quebec referendum was a whopping 93%.

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