walking in the city

By inthecity

Lick's (and Dental Implants)

Pape & Danforth

Walking home from the gym* tonight wearing my favourite stylin' though treadless boots, I took a wicked spill--pinwheeley arms and everything. I'd just been dreaming up a fitness routine upgrade. Now I'm looking at a good 4 days with my right foot propped on the kitchen table** and wrapped in a bag of frozen lima beans and a pair of old pantyhose.

I'm still stubbornly backblipping last May:
> Splintery subfloors
> Serene
> Home

* No recording devices allowed, which fine, though there are some fabulous characters. Like the 5'4" x 5'4" x 5'4" man who walked up to me one time.
"Are you using those?"
I looked down at my feet to see a pair of 135lb dumbells.
"No, but thanks for asking."

**ooh, bright side--at least I'd already set aside time tonight for a pedicure.

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