Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Another of my year-round backyard birds in NJ - the white-breasted nuthatch. Like all nuthatches, they cache seeds and small nuts in tree bark and crevices. And, of course, this time of year they are in a full frenzy of caching food for the long winter ahead. When I took this shot of a female, there was a second nuthatch just out of the frame and the two of them were doing some aggressive posturing. You can see the 'hatch here is fluffed up and has her 'tude showing. And she was busy making her "yank, yank, yank" call. About as fearsome as you can be when you are a small, relatively good-natured bird...

White breasted nuthatches are resident throughout much of the continental US and down into Mexico, but NOT in FL. So, this will most likely be my last white-breasted nuthatch blip - stay tuned, however, for brown-headed nuthatch, since they ARE resident in FL.

Five other shots from today on Flickr, Starting HERE with a fresh Red Admiral butterfly

So, now the kitchen is pretty much packed as are the basement, garage, living room and office. I'd say that about 75% of the bedroom/bathroom stuff is also packed. Which means that I am a little ahead of schedule - yay, me!

The cats definitely know something is up. Rocket is cranky and Phoebe is throwing up. Great. As I write this, Rocket is sitting in a box next to my desk. Maybe it is a sign that I am done packing for the day...

Missing hubs very much but reminding myself that this is the last weekend we'll be apart.

Happy Saturday. And thank you for stopping by.


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