A sign in the sunshine

I have brought the large YES sign that was at the bottom of our track (the one Lesley Riddoch tweeted as being possibly the most picturesque in Scotland ) back up to the house. The sun is still shining here and as I walked back down from the gate later on I thought this image summed up the day.

I have still not decided what to do with the sign but my son suggested putting it up in the garden somewhere as both a reminder and a spur. That may well be what happens - it is certainly robust enough.

Unusually I went and bought a Sunday Times this morning to see what they had made of my article and blips. Over a month ago they asked for access to my blips of the campaign and for a piece to go with them at the end. In fact they only used two, and one was from last November and the launch of the white paper whilst the other was savagely cropped and wrongly captioned - the island was of course Kerrera (referred to in the text) not Bute. They also managed to edit out the line in the article about my still wanting independence.

So here is the full unabridged text for those who are interested. The blips are of course all on line.

The piece reflects where I think the work should now go forward - with the remarkable YES coalition and focussed on ensuring that the "Vow" is delivered in terms of outcomes that change our country , negotiated with Scotland not imposed by Westminster.

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