Michael Plaice

By Cheeryoscuro

It's good to talk.

Maybe if you're having a fun day today give my journal a skip till tomorrow.
It was a beautiful sunny day here today, but it had a dark centre. We were at the funeral of a friend's husband who'd taken his own life a few days ago. I've hesitated about mentioning it, as doubtless some of you have been touched by suicide and don't need reminding. But here in Ireland it was for many years a taboo subject, even reports on news and papers gave a circumspect report and you don't have to go that far back to when the victim, I don't think there is any other word, couldn't be buried on consecrated ground.
Thankfully most of that's changed. The church was full of his friends, his family, his colleagues who gave him a guard of honour. A choir sang, a soloist's voice carried The Lord is my shepherd and the swelling tones of the brass band moved us all as music only can.
It was inexpressibly sad there today. His wife, his son and two daughters surrounded today, but heading home later, to close the door.
So whatever it is that's on your mind, just remember, it's good to talk.

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