
When I took a photograph last year of a field being ploughed, the farmer was producing very straight furrows and I learned from his boss that his tractor achieved this using satellite guidance.

The farmer I photographed this afternoon, at a different location, chose to follow the perimeter of his field and then work in an ever decreasing spiral towards the centre of the field. I don't know what he did when he reached the centre - I couldn't wait around that long. However, the irregular shape of the perimeter of the field, and the resultant irregular shape of the furrows, meant - I am sure - that he wasn't using satnav. I think he was just using a good eye and his skill - as farmers have done for hundreds of years.

The tractor is still very modern though. The caterpillar tracks seem to be a common feature these days.

[Edit] Last year I chose to blip my image in monochrome. Not all of you agreed that was the right choice, so I have retained the colour this year - but I still like the mono version.

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