
By tookie

Seattle Busker's Festival

Saturday was the final day of the Seattle Busker Festival and it was held outside the EMP--Experience Music Project-- starring the one who made busking legal in Seattle--Jim Page. It was called the Jim Page and Friends Finale!

Forty years ago Page , them, 24, was threatened with a ticket by a cop for performing without a license. Seattle had a city ordinance against letting street musicians perform for tips. Page took this issue to the city council eventually getting an ordinance passed to allow and regulate buskers. As Page says, "busking is, by nature, a political act. It's a protest against the usual "entertainment paradigm" where performers depend on professionals to help them find an audience> Busking circumvents that...Busking says "That's nonsense! I'm going to go out and play now."

Big R and I went here today to hear Jim--on guitar and a few others play. One guy I knew was the one on the harmonica---Joe Martin--he founded the Pike Place Medical clinic--free care for the poor when nothing of it's kind existed. He's a hec of a harmonica player too.

This is a blip that exists because a fellow blipper--Meles told me about the event. This blip is dedicated to her and her cohortDave H.. Two fine Scottish Blippers and friends! Jim said he is heading your way soon guys!

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