A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Chef Owen

He'll be four in April, but that doesn't stop him from cooking us a gourmet meal. Okay, actually it was his daddy who cooked us the gourmet meal. These are turnips he's mashing and I know what you're thinking - ewwww turnips. But these were seriously yummy. I'm not a huge fan of them but I've never had them cooked and served this way before. Maybe it was because my grandson helped mash them with the electric mixer that made them taste so good.

My taxman and I were thrilled to get invited over for dinner tonight because we have no groceries in the house and had no plans for tonight. Just last night we were talking about how much we miss those little characters when we don't see them for a week or more. Olivia is a silly little one year old now. They're teaching her sign language and she's hysterical the way she creates her own sign language motions. She's very dramatic and exaggerates the motions. She does everything bigger than Owen ever did. You'd think she was born in Texas or something.

Ahhh, I guess I miss that big ole state just a bit.

Note: Signing with babies before they can talk is new to me, but apparently very popular and good for them because they have a way to communicate early on.

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