Another Day

By BlackTulip

Lawyers Wig

We had a really good drive home today, leaving Portscatho at ten O'Clock and arriving home at ten past four with a stop for fuel for the car and lunch for us.

We left in cloud at 17 deg, the sun was out in St Austell and then it was misty over Bodmin Moor. By the time we got home it was overcast but 24 degrees.

The flowers in the pots and hanging basket had their tongues hanging out, so apart from putting the kettle on, watering took priority. They look much better now.

I found this toadstool on the lawn and having checked the book, it is commonly known as Shaggy Ink Cap or Lawyers Wig, hence the title.

Back to normal tomorrow so I will be expecting really good pictures from all of you. Woe betide anyone who's not up to muster.

Many thanks to you all for dropping by to check what I was up to.

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