'Evening Rays'

The days are getting longer now and we heard into Daylight Savings time this weekend which I love. I can get home from work and still have some day left.

Spent most of the day out at Haileybury College Berwick Campus measuring up their library and front reception for a Summer makeover and refurb job. As usual with schools the timing is critical as the works need to be completed during school breaks, so that means we have to have the design and documentation ready by the start of November which will allow a 3 or 4 week tender period before the builders start on site hopefully mid December as school finished for the year.

Had to stop on the way home to catch a shot of this sunset as the photos of the library and reception weren't very exciting.

A typical Melbourne Spring day today with all 4 seasons in one day. Beautiful blue skies on the way down this morning, followed by thick black clouds and heavy rain and a cold wind, then fining up again this afternoon. The long term Summer forecasts are predicting another above average hot Summer for us.

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