

Today I had a gig at Ruoholahti where I took this picture of the building I went into. Maybe you can read that it has Supercell (gaming company) and Jolla (mobile phone company) offices in the building. I wasn't invited in either. If I were, I think even my son would have been impressed. :-)

I tried to find something with the numbers 800 on them. The closest I got was a sign stating an 80€ fine if you take a ride with the metro without a ticket. It was not good enough. And in a boring place. So it was all up the the apps I got to make something special of this even number that is not really even celebrated. :-D

I guess this is a good day to push the boundaries of blipping. Also it was a working day of 5/5 so it's 2 days off and tomorrow I'll see how bad my dad's hair really is :

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