
The whole of last night and today we had a lovely continuous mist drizzle downpour .. I do not know what to really call it, as from where i come from, (Pretoria) the downpours were never in doubt, the thunderstorms preceding it - were hale and hearty - so here we are in CAW - cold and wet, and we are wondering about the 'mist' coming down!!

Well apparently, about 22mm had fallen since last night, I have to admit that the flowers and plants are in ecstacy, but we still need penetrating rain that will reach down to the roots ...

We are more than thankful for every drop, and we hope that our water reservoir, being the Garden Route Dam, will benefit. At the moment it's level stands at 17.4%, the lowest in many many years.

Johann may just take the dogs for a walk tomorrow, and I am sure that he will be able to spot from the water tower whether there had been any notable inflow ..

Being cold and wet (CAW -the George registration no.) early this morning I ploughed into flour, baking powder, sour milk and many other ingredients and produced no less than three batches of bran rusks. They are currently in the process of drying in the oven.

The aroma that fills the air is not too bad ....

Anybody for a cup and a rusk?

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