
Gregory and I went today to study the space where we will be displaying my paintings, he will perform his Nora performance piece and we will set up the display Nora's artifacts. It was a quick look worked in around the piano teacher's lunch hour, she instructs on a lovely old Steinway piano in the large room at the library.

I created the photo collage on the poster, melding G & Nora without the help of photoshop. Greg's photo is courtesy of jkj10 . She took G's photograph for his London performance at Queen Mary. I lost my beloved simple Photoshop Elements when we upgraded our iMac and I have never gotten around to purchasing again. I had to cobble both together together using another free program I had, Comic Life. I'm sure it took twenty times longer to achieve close to the result I wanted. It works and conveys the message of G becoming N if you can just pretend.

My heart and mind were elsewhere as we surveyed the space. I had been on the phone just prior to visiting the performance spot. A long and painful call discussing and getting information about the health of our friend J. The call left me quite shaken. J needs good thoughts, and so do we I guess, her good friends grappling with her rapidly downward spiral.

For the Record,
This day came in cool with drizzle.

All hands healthy, but heartbroken.

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