
By LornaMcHardy

York Minster

Following my very disappointing visit to Durham Cathedral (see blip two days ago), I am happy to be very complimentary about the running of York Minster... it's quite a contrast.

Here, they've got the difficult balance between the interests of the tourists, the worshippers, and the people who keep the books spot on. Tourists are not allowed in at all when there's a service... which is entirely fair enough.
When they are allowed in, for which there is generous time even on a Sunday, they can wander pretty much at will anywhere that is open at all, and there are no restrictions on photography.
The entry fee is £10.00 which is steep but not at all unreasonable when you consider what other tourist places in the area charge, and also that the costs of keeping the minster going run to something like £20,000 per day. There are plenty of helpful people to answer questions, and during the week, there are also free guided tours thrown in if you wish to join them.

I'm impressed.

Plus it's a very beautiful place... and the above, one of over 100 that I took today, was taken with a 10.5mm fisheye lens.

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