Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


It has been so long since I used my camera that the card has died. This was the only image out of 30 to complete.

It is a holiday here, so I decided to leave the office and see what I could find.

Shanghai is a massive sprawling metropolis of some 30 million people, uncannily quiet today as the inhabitants have gone back to their home villages for the break.

This hi-rise city is not ugly, but I just do not find it photogenic. It may have a lot to do with the 105 that I have permanently attached.

I decided to wander a couple of blocks, down to the banks of the river. Mildly pretty, but the stench of the polluted waters was quite overwhelming, which scuppered plan B, which was to capture some young love, walking hand in hand along the slow moving waters. All I found were a few grannies, wearing trousers four inches above the ankles and walking like they had been in the saddle for all their ninety years.

So, you have to make do with this rare butterfly. Not a particularly rare species, but all butterflies are rare in this poisoned city.


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