Somewhere deep in the Rainforest. .....

......we got photo bombed by an Antler Plant!!!!!

I went to see Sue ('s Eye View) today in her lovely home. We were long overdue a catch up and the 2 and a half hours just flew before I had to go to work.

Thank you Sue for the warm welcome, the delicious doughnut, the Heart Shaped Froth on my coffee, the ear to bash, the garden tour including the Bingo check (I'm a fox phobic but would actually love to try and meet Bingo! ), the meeting of the family and the lovely write up she did about me on her blip. Without wanting to repeat everything I wrote in response - a tear did pop into my eye after reading it!!!

Will link later but I'm writing this on the go! !!!

Happy Tuesday all. Mine certainly was!!

xXx ♡ xXx

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