
When people talk about having a 4X4 they usually mean a big monster of a vehicle which does nothing more than take the kids to school and take up more than its fair share of space in the shopping centre car parks, usually owned for it’s size or as a status symbol.

This is a 4X4 vehicle in the true sense of the word. It has probably never had a child inside it and never been near a school or a public car park. It belongs to our next door neighbour and sits on the road outside the front of his house (to the annoyance of many of our other neighbours!!). It obviously goes off for a little adventure now and again, although I’ve never actually seen it move. Last week it wasn’t in quite such a filthy state as it is at the moment so a recent adventure must have been a very muddy one. As I was snapping pictures of it for today’s challenge word I noticed some of its accessories. It has a front winch and a back winch and if you look carefully you can see it has a shovel strapped to the bonnet. Definitely the real deal…….. unless you have kids who love school so much they have to be winched or dug out of the place!!

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