Concious Decision...

I made a concious decision between my desk and changing rooms this afternoon.

I decided to stop recording every commute on my phone. I've been doing it pretty religiously for about 2 years, recording the ride, going for the odd race segment. Even wrote a program to decode and manipulate the data if the need required.

Basically it's the same route and consistent times every day. I don't do anything with it and can't imagine the data will be of any use to me in years to come.

So I didn't turn on my GPS, start up the app and am now able to write this with the battery power I saved.


Notes on the Picture...
I think they were playing truth or dare earlier which resulted in the pants being put on outside the jammys. This then turned into what she called Super Woman. Of which I reminded her that Super Girl was probably more appropriate and had links to an actual character. But she insisted.

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