Sunset over Derwent

What a day weatherise. This afternoon I watched out of my office window as the edge of a small tornado hit us. Wow, I've never seen wind and rain like it for 3 minutes. I watched wheelie bins fly through the air and a car on the car park get blown out of its space across the aisle into a the car opposite. Then within 30 minutes the air was still no wind and no rain, although the showers were then on and off all day.

I left work a few minutes earlier today and just managed to get this sunset over the River Derwent. Check it out LARGE

I arrived home to find our road blocked, blue flashing lights and a tree fallen across the road opposite our house . The Council men had responded quickly and were doing a great job with chainsaws. I dropped a quick photo here on blipfolio

Too much excitement for one day.

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