Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Mixed weather

What weather! Rain, sunshine, wind, rainbows....we have had it all today. We started our dog walk in heavy skies with some rain and within 5 minutes the sun was shining again. I joined a friend on a dog walk along the North Down way and then on the edge of Ranmore Common overlooking Dorking below - what beautiful views! Here you can see the sun trying to come out from behind those clouds.

My phone is broken, est cassé, ist kaput....dead as a dodo. How it got wet inside a pocket of a waterproof jacket with a flap over it is beyond me, but as the staff member at Carphone Warehouse said, iPhones are designed to break, that is how Apple make their money! The slightest hint of moisture or steam and they curl up and die. Luckily I only had one month left on my service provider contract so I was due for a new upgrade, so I readily paid the one month early contract penalty to get a new iPhone 6. Back home everything is downloaded from iCloud and I am good to go again. Isn't this new technology amazing?

I enjoyed watching the Bake Off final last night on TV - my goodness, the pressure those bakers were under to produce something phenomenal in such a short time was quite something, and the creations they produced was amazing. And as this was filmed in June, the winner and her family had to keep schtum until now - including her young grand children.... now that is impressive.

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