Truly Blippin' Marvelous

By JohnEdward

Apache country

This is one of many rocky canyons in the White mountains, some just a short walk from the highway. I've blipped Salt River canyon elsewhere. I think that sentence caused confusion: this is not Salt River canyon. Rained nearly the whole way - the remnants of hurricane Simon.

I'm in Tucson for more scans and blood work . . . I completely blanked that this is the week-end of the New Mexico Dulcimer Festival when the appointments were made for me!! I don't know if I'll have the energy to drive over to Albuquerque on Saturday . . .Wrong again! Marked the calendar for the wrong week-end. Oct. 17-18

I had time to browse in The Folk Shop and play an old, slightly out-of-tune 12/11 hammered dulcimer. Three strings per course; chessmen bridges (one missing). James is no longer there, "He went corporate repairing musical instruments for Bookmans." is what I was told. I bought a book of simple recorder tunes edited for children by Freda Dinn, "For small hands some cross fingerings and the use of the little finger often seem almost impossible so those difficulties have been avoided". Very post war - 1950s . . . Anyone remember learning the recorder at Primary school?

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